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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Jevons Paradox; a philanthropic shell game by Gary Anderson

Brought to you by more alphabet soup, the URAASS;
there's a whole lot of fish in that bowel!

The whole complexity of Sustainable Fisheries through Catch Shares and Sector Separation is based upon the the Jevons paradox, sometimes called the Jevons effect. Which may increase productivity and in turn tends to increase (rather than decrease) the rate of consumption of that resource; the total opposite as to what is intended in the first place by the EDF ( Environmental Defense Fund)and the GMFMC (Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council ), unless one is looking to bring down the system, as a far left establishment may well wish to do, in creating a state of anarchy to rebellion.” The Jevons paradox, has recently been reexamined by modern economists studying consumption and the rebound effects from energy efficiency. The Rebound effect is the behavioral or other systemic responses to the introduction of new technologies, or other measures taken to reduce resource usage, where as, Energy effectiveness or efficiency, is a renewable resource-based technology said to be the twin pillars of a sustainable energy policy. In many countries energy efficiency is used to benefit national security, a phrase widely used in obtaining monies for appreciable funding from foundations, as it can be claimed to reduce the level of energy imports from foreign countries and may slow down the rate at which domestic energy resources are depleted. A total reversal of the Jevons Paradox but with the right wording and enough garble placed in precise places with in its cause, organizations can and do use this terminology in taking “good faith” dollars and placing them into the wrong hands. Money laundering is such a dirty word, so instead it is a philanthropic shell game to which foundations and organizations such as the Tides Foundation uses to do two things better than any other foundation or charity in the U.S. Today; it routinely obscures the sources of its tax-exempt millions, and makes it difficult to discern how the funds are actually being used.

The Tides Foundation promotes a multitude of leftist agendas, as evidenced by its own assertion: "We strengthen community-based organizations and the progressive movement by providing an innovative and cost-effective framework for your philanthropy." Some of Tides contributes are: radical environmentalism like the "exclusion of humans from public and private wild-lands, anti-free trade campaigns; the banning of firearms ownership; abolition of the death penalty; access to government-funded abortion-on-demand; and radical gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender advocacy.” I as a card carrying member of the NRA and the CCA repute such thoughts and of those reading this article of the Jevons Paradox who enjoy your freedoms and rights need to wake up because this is a package concealing an explosive device designed to wreck havoc on our American values and it is not just about fish!

Just after 9/11, Tides formed a "9/11 Fund" to advocate a "peaceful national response." Tides later replaced the 9/11 Fund because of allegations that the Tides Center had given the Independent Media Center (IMC) $376,000 -- ironically, from its “9/11 fund.” IMC is a notorious bastion of far left, radical viewpoints, and also serves as an organizing outpost for all sorts of large-scale protest activity, with the "Democratic Justice Fund," which was financed in large measure by the Open Society Institute of George Soros, who has donated more than $7 million to Tides over the years. Reciprocally, the Tides Foundation is a major fund provider of the Shadow Party, a George Soros-conceived nationwide network of several dozen unions, non-profit activist groups, and think tanks whose agendas are ideologically to the left, and which are engaged in campaigning against American principles to which founded this country, to which we call the United States of America. They are coming through our back door to which is wide open and but a few are watching. Start with the environment, work your way into the fisheries and proceed from there with trickle economics in reverse. We get poorer and they get richer, all at our expense because it sounds like socialism at its best but it really is about money and who controls it. According to Source Watch: In April 2004 O'Dwyer's PR Daily reported that Fenton Communications, a touchstone for radical political campaigns, ran the following ad on Air America Radio, which it launched with Dan Klores Communications:

"Public relations. Monty Python called it a modern useless profession. Too bad they were wrong. PR has become the way crafty corporations and even the leaders of the free world can convince people that pollution is harmless, war is peace and greed is good.” No wonder the Fenton Communications firm does not like to be asked at parties what they do for a living and from whom it obtains its fees.
It is easy to hide in The Shadows when a corporation is actually helping out commendable foundations that really do as they say and are not against our American principles; TIDES FOUNDATION AND TIDES CENTER : you be the judge. 

Sector Separation; I smell a Red Herring! It is just another Boniface liberal think tank where the word “Think” was left out. It is based on flawed to no science and we will make it up as we go along, correcting ourselves if we ever get the right information as an amendment to whatever it is we are drafting. Using numbers, like 511,000 Red Snapper off the North Carolinian’s sector, representing the amount of snapper left, in a given area, was to the utmost for their agenda and interpretation. Now they wish to push this pile of bile here in Florida. “Catch Shares” are but Cap & Trade, which could work in a perfect world; where is that? By capitalizing on greed, stupidity, a couple of Grants thrown as a bone to chew on and you have the makings of a sting to your direction; it's from the oldest liberal trick in the book and someone gets rich off this, while, again, trickle down economics impacts small businesses and communities. I am surprised an economist as Mr. Soros could buy into all of this, unless, from the words of one of his colleagues at London School of Economics is true: “Writing in The New Republic, MIT’s Robert Solow, one of the most respected macroeconomics of the twentieth century, doubted that Soros understood “simultaneous” equations, i.e., systems of equations that involve more than one dependent variable. (For those unfamiliar with economics, this was a bit like accusing a carpenter of not knowing how to use a chisel), yet he signs on with the actions to take away yours and my rights through this stupid sector separation process and catch shares based on multiple dependent variables . One would tend to possibly agree with Mr. Robert Solow; with my limited knowledge of world economics, though I did not graduate from the London School of Economics, I did take classes there in pursuit of my degree from the American Institute of Foreign Studies in Richmond and London England. So in a way, I feel qualified to say; it is bogus data and all the data shown is old, out dated or flawed in that the survey's were never completed and approximates were used, all while thinking the American Angler is just a stupid individual that will just play along. Well play along with this pal: the upcoming URAASS (United Responsible Anglers Against Sector Separation) and the FRA (Fishing Rights Alliance) and The Online Fisherman are on the other side of the table and we want this stopped now. When the EDF or the GMFMC can can show us their amended numbers, additionally backed up by scientific interpretations other than a old NOAA data sheets and an 80 year old world renowned puppeteer, George Soros-conceived calling for World Order, we might meet you halfway at the table but until then, peddle your wares elsewhere for we ain't buying it! This Jevons Paradox; a philanthropic shell game may be what is needed in another country but not here, where we pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Stand Up One, Stand Up All and Stop the Suppression of Rights to which we live by!

1 comment:

  1. The strategy of the far left is to establish a one-world-order by overrunning our economy one-piece-at-a-time until the World Bank and the UN need to step in and protect us. It's so clear as to be sickening.

    This isn't about grouper. It's about our rights. Think about the economic impact even the four-to-six month ban is going to have. It's going to put thousands of perfectly capable stewards of our waters out of business.

    The grouper aren't in trouble. And if they were, how would we know? The powers refuse -- refuse -- to accept our numbers and our statistics. Rather they would rely on the Mercs, which are proven to be useless. But since they support the "need for protection" and are indicative of the incredible lie they're telling that the fishery is in trouble, they're the numbers they use.

    Our senators -- both of them -- are behind us. But they need reminding. If you're reading this, email your senator, your congressional representative, and your dog catcher and make them aware of what's going on here.

    If we don't act now, it will be too late. Once that camel's in the tent, you have to move out. I refuse to leave the Gulf of Mexico.


More alphabet soup: KISS, Keep it simple stupid as we all are not of the same, just maybe in mind...