Wading for a bite in wad fishing El Jobean, Florida with hopes to wishes of Specks (Trout) or Reds but to our dismay; Hardhead cats were all that ate our baits. Using three inch Pinfish for bait on a 3/0 circle hook by Owner, attached to a 25# leader to Ohero 12 pound blue and a pencil cork! What you get is a lesson on how to Catch & Release a catfish without getting pricked by his fins...Enjoy, The Mentoring Fisherman, Gary A. Anderson
“The whole complexity of Sustainable Fisheries through Catch Shares and Sector Separation is based upon Flawed numbers and out dated dependent variables. We as American Fisherman, both Recreational and Commercial have a right to fish as did our fore-fathers before us and no self serving entity shall take this away in the name of greed and economic socialism!"